WOMEN WHO SAIL blew into Placencia a few days ago, and blessed PHS with their generosity!

What a fascinating and adventurous group of women! WOMEN WHO SAIL is a Facebook group that begun a few years ago to organize an annual vacation sail to different parts of the world. Last year they sailed to Tahiti! Many of the women had never met before, except on FB.

Most of these women are experienced captains, first mates, and crew members, but one woman had never sailed before!
These women don’t just sail—they donate to worthy causes wherever on this planet they find themselves.
This year, Placencia was their destination. The group contacted PHS in November of last year, alerting us to their mission.

When they finally docked in Placencia, they delivered a treasure of pet supplies and items that will help to sustain PHS’ work in serving pets in our community. It took a whole lot of thoughtful planning and organizing on the part of these WOMEN WHO SAIL to provide so many useful, usable items.
Graciously welcoming these sailors and gratefully accepting their amazing donations were PHS Chair, David Kafka, Carey Chabera Kafka ,Vice Chair Mary Smith, her husband Stan, and Board Member, Kitty Mitchell Burgh.

PHS is truly awestruck by the kindness of these beautiful women.
Thank you, winds, for directing WOMEN WHO SAIL to our shore.