Trisha Nelson
When devoted PHS volunteer Trisha Nelson suggested to PHS board member Patricia Celenza: “Hey, what are you doing Saturday morning? Want to bike on up to Seine Bight and visit our besties?” she was immediately greeted with a hearty YES!
Trisha Nelson lives in Canada, and owns a condo at Los Porticos. Her heart is truly in Seine Bight.
Four times in the past year, Trisha has intentionally coordinated her stay here so she could work Seine Bight Outreach Program, the third Friday of every month.
But she just couldn’t wait for the November clinic—Trisha wanted to connect with the Seine Bight pets and their owners immediately. Trisha hit the ground running.
And that is exactly what she and Patricia did, proving that PHS Seine Bight Outreach is not just a once a month program, but an ongoing commitment. This grassroots commitment has reaped not only positive results in the health and wellbeing of Seine Bight pets, but also has created a profoundly strong community bond, touching folks one on one.