Women Who Sail

WOMEN WHO SAIL blew into Placencia a few days ago, and blessed PHS with their generosity!

Women who Sail
What a fascinating and adventurous group of women! WOMEN WHO SAIL is a Facebook group that begun a few years ago to organize an annual vacation sail to different parts of the world. Last year they sailed to Tahiti! Many of the women had never met before, except on FB.

Women who sail
Most of these women are experienced captains, first mates, and crew members, but one woman had never sailed before!
These women don’t just sail—they donate to worthy causes wherever on this planet they find themselves.
This year, Placencia was their destination. The group contacted PHS in November of last year, alerting us to their mission.

Women who Sail blessed PHS with their generosity
When they finally docked in Placencia, they delivered a treasure of pet supplies and items that will help to sustain PHS’ work in serving pets in our community. It took a whole lot of thoughtful planning and organizing on the part of these WOMEN WHO SAIL to provide so many useful, usable items.
Graciously welcoming these sailors and gratefully accepting their amazing donations were PHS Chair, David Kafka, Carey Chabera Kafka ,Vice Chair Mary Smith, her husband Stan, and Board Member, Kitty Mitchell Burgh.

Women who Sail
PHS is truly awestruck by the kindness of these beautiful women.
Thank you, winds, for directing WOMEN WHO SAIL to our shore.

Annual General Meeting, Volunteer Recognition and Sweet 16 Anniversary

PHS AGM30 October 2015 marked 16 years of service to the Placencia Peninsula communities and pets by the Placencia Humane Society.

And what a wonderful celebration we had, including celebrating the life of Candy Power, a PHS founder and board member for many years who passed away on 27 October, just a few days before the meeting.   We could have been sad, but we all knew how much Candy loved a party – especially one that benefitted animals – so we all knew she would have been happy that we decided to share her memory on this day with joy instead of sorrow. (PHS tribute to Miss Candy)

We also celebrated our past presidents who were able to come to our 16th Annual General Meeting – Doran Yount, Mary Smith, Deb Coston, Mary Toy, David Kafka, and Marcia Fox, all the way from Antigua, Guatemala.

Penny DialAnd, of course, we recognized all the wonderful volunteers – because PHS simply would not be here without them, especially Penny Dial, PHS Volunteer of the Year Award winner for 2015! (Congrats, Miss Penny!)

Our other special volunteers recognized at the meeting are Melanie Wilcher, Nancy Flint, Judy Cox Roberts, Natalie Dixon, Morgan Dixon, Heather Coburn, Kitty Burgh, Diane Smith, Becky Boudreaux, Becky Keeling, Jon Keeling, Serena Cal, Isaiah Mayen, Pamela Jaipaul, Kayla Jaipaul, Jo Carpenter, Sue and Carlos Vasquez, Karen Travers, Dove Duff, Nick Carpenter, Kim Carpenter, Anna Mensie, Lynn Ann Snellman, Rafaine Caliz, Jessie Bermudez, Carol Key, Jessie BermudezShawn Marshall, Saphira Ziegler, Sandorah Ziegler, Sanomah Ziegler, Saharah Ziegler, Martin Krediet, Jaden Dixon and Michele and Steve Sylvester.

We also learned about the new PHS Seine Bight Outreach Program and PHS’s ongoing work including feral cats, its monthly clinic, fundraising, the status of PHS’s budget and finances, plus a history of the early years of PHS by Marcia Fox.

Board members newly elected at the AGM are (in alphabetical order):

  • Kitty Burgh
  • Jo Carpenter
  • Patricia Celenza
  • Nancy Flint
  • David Kafka
  • Judy Roberts
  • Mary Smith
  • Mary Toy
  • Melanie Wilcher

(More information on the 2015-2016 PHS Board Members)

Thanks to one and all who have helped make this such a memorable year for PHS.

And a special thanks to Paradise Resort for hosting the PHS AGM.